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Pick one (radio buttons)

This article describes the Pick one (radio buttons) question purpose, functions, Must Answer settings and its specific and additional settings. 


Use this question type when you want your respondents to choose from several answer options, for example 'yes/no' answers.

The option 'Other' allows respondents to add their own answer option in case none of the predefined answer options suits.

You can select one of the answer options set from the list or write your own answer options.

This question type requires at least 2 answer options.

How to create Pick one (radio buttons)

  • To add the first question to your form:

Click the Add first question button to add this question type.

  • To add a question to the already existing form:

Click the '+' button on the Central panel, then select the question from the dropdown menu;

  • Type your question text in the Enter text here text box.

  • You can write your own answer options in the Empty label or Enter an answer option label text box.  You can also upload the answer options by importing form a .csv file.

     To choose an answer option set from the list on the right panel, focus on the question field or name of the question.

  • Click on the 'Add 'Other' option' to add the answer option.

  The 'Other' answer option is always located at the end of the list of answer options. You can change the name of the 'Other' label.

   All changes are saved automatically.

Pick one (radio buttons) specific settings

To set up the numeric keyboard for the Mobile Application Users:

If you want your Mobile Application respondents to enter only numbers in the 'Other' answer option field,

enable the Mobile numeric keyboard toggle for their convenience in the right panel.

Focus on the 'Other' answer option, and turn the Numeric keyboard toggle on.

To change answers layout

Use this feature if you want the answer options to be displayed in a row or a column for your responders. 

Focus on the question field or question name and select layout for answer options in the Answer layout section: 

Select the Down option to display your answers in a column.

Select the Across option to display your answers in a row.

'Across' option allows you to select the space between answer options.

Must answer settings

This question type has Basic Must Answer settings. 

Click here to read about the Must Answer settings.

Additional common question and answer option settings

This question type has additional common question and answer option settings.

Please read the articles for more details.

  • Question analysis code

  • Question identifier;

  • Answer identifier;

  • Answer order;

  • Application tags.

See the table of all available additional features depending on question types.

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