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Convert Forms to PDF

You can save your forms for offline viewing or viewing it outside the platform it by saving it in Portable Document Format (PDF). 

Please keep in mind that your form in PDF format will look like its desktop version. You should adjust all your custom layout, page breaks, logo placement, etc., before converting it into the PDF version. Click on the Preview button to see what your form looks like before converting it.

  1. Go to the Forms home page and select a form from the list.

  2. Choose Print  from the information pane on the right or go the Edit mode of a form and then click Print in the ribbon toolbar.

  3. The form will be downloaded as PDF to your computer automatically.

Most of the users' accounts have the EvoPDF exporting option active by default. In other cases, the previous version of the PDF exporting script is available. If such is the case:

  1. Go to the Forms home page and select a form from the list.

  2. Choose Print  from the information pane on the right or go the Edit mode of a form and then click Print in the ribbon toolbar.

  3. Click Convert using one of the options:

    • Convert to black and white PDF format The print version of your form will have the black and white layout.

    • Convert to color PDF format The print version keeps the colors of your form in PDF.

4. Use the pop-up dialog box to open converted survey or save it locally on your computer.

Please note, that the following questions will be converted to PDF in the format specified below only if EvoPDF right is not activated for user account:

  • Dropdown Box questions are converted to PDF in the Pick One question type.

  • The List Box questions are converted to PDF as the Check All That Apply question type.

  • The Numeric Allocation questions are converted to PDF as the Single Line Text question type.

  • The Rating Scale questions will have a legend if the headings are too long.

  • When converting your form to PDF format all html tags, Branch Logic, Show/Hide logic, used in the survey are ignored.

  • For successful converting to PDF it is recommended your survey contains 20 Kb of text for one field. Totally general format fields may contain up to 80 Kb per survey.

  • Click here to download Acrobat Reader - free software that lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

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