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Web Poll

This feature allows you to embed the survey of the specific width into your page. It is used for testing your survey before pasting it into your web site.

To test your survey and copy its HTML code choose the Embed the survey into your website, blog, or application option on the survey Launch page, and then:

  1. Select the Web Poll code to embed survey within page option.

  2. Use the Width field to set the width of the survey and click the Apply button to save your settings.

  3. Click Test to test how your survey works.

If you take your survey and click Submit or Vote you can view the results in the report.

4. Copy and paste the HTML code of the survey into your web site. The HTML script should be inserted within <body></body> tags.

  • The option works properly with only one-page surveys.

  • Only the Allow multiple responses - only applies to Master URL rule is applicable to this type of survey launch. The number of respondents who can submit the surveys from the same computer is not limited.

  • If you attach logo to your survey, it will be displayed at the bottom of the page when posting web-poll to your site.

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